Sunday, September 11, 2005

Early Birthday

This is blue morning glories. I took some pictures this morning
after I took the dogs for a walk.

At 8 AM this morning, my daughter's dog " Bear " came to our
bedroom, he wanting me to take him out for a long walk ( 1 mile ).
I took Jasmine out, too.

For lunch, we had bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches. We had
our daughter and her boyfriend and Dean's parents as lunch guests.
After lunch I opened two gifts. I got some nice scented candles and
the last gift I got was a very nice Zenith DVD/CD player for my early
birthday gift. Jenni burned my pictures on to CD and we watched
flower pictures that I took yesterday at the Allen Centennial Gardens.
It is like a slide show and I love it!
Thanks so much Dean, Jennifer, Bill and Shawn.


stephaniedistler said...

You look like you are having a wonderful time with your photographer self. Great shots Jean!!!

stephaniedistler said...

Oh.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you woman!!!

Jean said...

I started 35mm photography
when I was about 20.
I used to have a photography
studio and framing shop in
Spring Green. My husband gave
me a digital camera for x-mas
two years ago and I enjoy to
take pictures very much!

Unknown said...

Jean, Happy birthday late but I was thinking of you when we were sweltering in the UP... It was really hot for Sept! Anyway I am sorry I was away from the computer and missed wishing you a happy birthday!
Glad that you were able to share BLTs with family...We have enjoyed a few and homegrown tomatoes make the difference. Love Donna