After kayaking, I worked out and saw my girlfriend, Linda. She invited me to go BBQ and to the Mallard's game at Warner Park. Linda is a board of trustee for the Vera Court Neighborhood Center. They sponsor programs to help children at the neighborhood center. The homemade food were good and Linda and I had a fun time together.
Mary and I went kayaking again last Wednesday morning. I took about 40 pictures. I wanted to take close-up pictures of forget-me-nots by Gallistel Woods so I had to get out of kayak and wade through the water. The water was VERY COLD ! Forget- me-nots are my favorite blue flower. I was happy that one of my flower pictures turned out good.
I made my girlfriend, Linda's future daughter- in-law, Melanie's wedding garden bracelet last weekend and gave it to her as a bridal shower gift. She liked it.
My girlfriend, Mary from church invited me to go to kayaking last Wednesday morning at about 8:30 AM. The boathouse at Wingra Lake served Ancora coffee and Mary bought a delicious carrot muffin and split half of it with me. I brought my insulated coffee cup with sugar free cream. We finished eating our muffin and the we took off kayaking. We were gone for about 2 hours. Mary took some pictures of me and altogether took about 88 pictures. It was pretty warm but some areas were cool next to the arboretum. I took some pictures of water lilies and irises. It was so much fun.
Last Friday I went to the Bead and Button Show from 10:00 in the morning until 8:00 in the night. I had lunch with my friend, Barbara from Green Bay.
Saturday I worked for two hours in the morning. I mowed the lawn. Dean and I rode 12 miles around the lake.
Sunday morning we had a appointment for a new battery for our car. We invited my brother for lunch. Harry and I took a short bike ride at the neighborhood walk/bike path. It was relaxing and we had a nice time.
I am making a beaded pansy from a cut and pasted digital photograph that I took. The Pansy is progressing. It is made up of 3 sections that are layered to be three-dimensional.
I did not have time to blog this weekend because I was busy planting flowers and cleaning the house. One of my customers came for a beaded bracelet. Dean and I took a long bike ride. Here are two photos of my old beaded pansies. Thought you would like to see them. One is an embroidered project and the other is a square-stitch that I made 4 petals and sewed them together. I didn't like the necklace because it was too long and the flower pendant wasn't supported so I took them apart.
I had to choose one theme and the theme is flowers. I was going to use square shapes but I thought it would be alot easier beading on embroidery for a circle shape and maybe I will use 3-dimension beaded petals and center. My June project flower is a pansy. I photographed pansies at the Capitol today where Dean and I went to the Farmers Market. We bought strawberries, sunflower greens, radishes, rosemary herb, and at the last stop I bought two different fuchsias. Dean wasn't happy about the flowers but I told him that I needed to plant a few flowers along the empty foundation.
I joined Bead Journal Project before the deadline. Robin Atkins is the coordinator and we have 239 participants. Here is the address: I have too many thoughts about theme, size, and shape. I have been looking through my books for ideas of shape and theme. I picked out two themes : flower and coral reef. I had a dentist appointment in the morning and had lunch with my two old bead friends, Gail and Donna that I haven't seen for a long time. Gail picked out the restaurant " Flat top Grill " because it serves healthy food. Donna and I haven't eaten there before. They have a buffet of vegetables, meats, and sauces to fill up a big colored bowl for stir-fry and it was good. After lunch I worked out and rode my bike home. It was beautiful sunny weather but it rained hard in the late afternoon. I am glad that I didn't water the vegetable garden before the rain. Melinda, my life coach told me that it was supposed to rain all weekend.