I drink a cup of Starbucks coffee every morning with a hazelnut fat free cream. I save the coffee grounds for compost. I will use them for my large vegetable garden next spring. Here is more information from Starbuck's and click on healthier gardens.
These are my life coaches from Healthy Inspirations. From left to right: Kristi, Melinda, Kerry, Dawn, and Ann. For five months I have lost 47 pounds and 27.6 inches. I want to thank them for helping me to lose weight.
Yesterday afternoon, Dean and I took Jasmine for a winter walk. I did not bring my camera along but later at 4:30 P.M. I went for a long walk and photographed for about two hours. It was good exercise to walk in the snow after a heavy snow storm painted everything white.
" Fools Rush In " tell the funny, romantic story of facted lovers trying their luck at the world's oldest game : love. We watched it last night and we liked it alot.
Profile ------- D.O.B : January 14, 2002 in Coon Valley Favorite person : Jennifer Favorite food : chicken Favorite hangout : green leather couch Favorite hobby : going for a bike ride Favorite tricks : rolling over, sitting, turning around, and barking for treats Favorite Toy : Orange Nemesis HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASMINE ! It is hard to believe that she is 5 today...
I grilled shrimp tonite after taking pictures of it. My daughter, Jenni gave us an electric grill for christmas this year. Grilled shrimp are very tasty and better than when boiled in water. I have used aspargus, chicken and pork. It take alot of the fats out. Thanks Jenni and Bill !
For our 25th anniversary, my husband and I celebrated with dinner at Porta Bella. It is well hidden on a dead end street in downtown Madison. Their specialty is homemade Italian pasta. Dean had Lasagna and I had Vegetarian Pasta Primavera- Artichoke and spinach ravioli topped with a medley of sauteed Parmesan cheese. For dessert we shared Key Lime pie. The waitress was also our photographer. On the way home at Doctor's Park I photographed the arborvitae at night in their colorful glory.
Today is our 25th wedding anniversary. We had a candlelight wedding. It was 50 degree below zero when we got married. We honeymooned in Ochos Rios, Jamaica for 7 days. I made these digital pictures from my old slides. I used a light box and close-up lense. I cropped and zoomed the pictures. They are not too bad for a primitive process. We went to Dunn's waterfall and raft trip in Montego Bay at the Blue Mountains.
We rode our bike around Lake Monona this afternoon with Jasmine. It took us about two hours. The trip is eleven miles and the path hugs Lake Monona. On the east side of Madison there are many parks and land on the water ringing the lake that was set aside for the common enjoyment. An Indian effigy mound quietly rests near the shore.